Look for 3plains at Pheasant Fest in Minneapolis

The end of the 2012-13 pheasant season also means that Pheasant Fest/Quail Classic is around the corner. Pheasant Fest/Quail Classic is a trade show that focuses on upland game bird hunting and conversation, upland dog training, and wildlife management and habitat restoration methods. This show is for upland game enthusiasts and conservation advocates alike, and allows both to feed their upland game and/or habitat conservation addictions. The show features seminars by Pheasants Forever as well as various sporting product vendors. We all come together to showcase our products and ideas with fellow upland game enthusiasts.
This year 3plains, with their nationally-recognized website and marketing services, has been selected to be the Official Chapter Website Provider for Pheasants Forever. As the experts in outdoor website design, 3plains has secured a booth to showcase our work and interact with those in the upland game community. We are excited to be on hand answering questions, showing off our latest logos and websites, and promoting our product www.ultimatepheasanthunting.com. Ultimate Pheasant Hunting is an online community for pheasant hunters and serves as a directory, forum and advertising market for those involved with pheasant hunting. We also plan on having some UPH apparel on hand for sale.
Take a moment and join us in supporting the upland game community, talk about conservation, and see what's new in the upland game market. We are excited and hope you are as well! Below is the information for Pheasant Fest/Quail Classic. See you SOON!
Look for us at Pheasant Fest Feb.15-17, Minneapolis Convention Center, Booth #522.
Read more about Pheasant Fest - http://www.pheasantfest.org/
Booth #522 3plains/Ultimate Pheasant Hunting
Ultimate Pheasant Hunting 7' Tower Display, 3plains.com table & 3plains.com 7' Tower Display
The 3plains.com Backdrop designed by 3plains
Special Deal for Pheasants Forever Chapters
3plains is the official Pheasants Forever Chapter Website Provider. Stop by our booth and ask us about our special PF show deal. View more details at our PF Chapter page - https://www.3plains.com/pheasants-forever/
Posted in: Trips & Events